I must blog about today so I can cleanse my soul emotionally.
I KNEW it was going to be a crazy day, but still...
AM routine:
- Bathe Brandon and strip my sheets because he's in my bed when his diaper chooses to leak.
- Feed kids waffles
- Help kids empty dishwasher ("It's soo heavy, Mom!") and do vocabulary words with Alexis.
- Let kids watch TV while I am on a business call for 42 minutes (feel wretchedly guilty about the electronic babysitter, but what to do?)
- During said call, "MOOOOom, I'm starving!"
- At conclusion of said call, Alexis appears with peanut butter and jelly smears on her pink pants. Inspection downstairs revealed she made her brother a PB & J and had set out all the ingredients for her requested turkey sandwich. I was quite proud of her!
- Get another phone call from another client asking if "now is a good time to talk." It was somebody I REALLY needed to speak with, so sure, it's a good time. I barricaded myself in the study. A few minutes later, "Moom, I need two clean sheets of paper." I slide them under the door.
Client's cell phone dies. "Mooom, can you write the word 'name' for me, so I can copy it?"
- Happy to comply. Client e-mails with request to call office line. 15 minutes later, conclude call.
Arggh! It's almost time to catch the bus. Stuff kids in shoes and coats, throw a coat over my PJ's and march to the bus stop.
PM Routine
- Shower...finally! Am in big rush to get Brandon to Bridget's by 1 p.m. because of 1:15 doctor's appt. Fortunately, I realize appt. is not until 2:15. Whew, I have a little time.
- Load Brandon in car. CAR DOES NOT START. I have a dead battery! .
- Go get neighbors. At one point, I'm on the phone with Lester, I have my neighbor, her teenage son, her friend, and myself trying to figure out how to start car battery. After Lester's threat to hold a car clinic on Saturday, we have liftoff!
- Go to doctor, pick up Brandon, race to VT appt. No one is home.
- Go pick up Alexis from friend's house. No one is home.
- Go to store with Brandon. Return to friend's house, pick up Alexis.
- Pick up babysitter, return home.
- Sort of work for 1.5 hours.
- Babysitter leaves; help hubby prepare dinner for kids.
- Return to office. Do blog.
Okay, I have purged my soul. Now I can work. Thanks for listening.