1- Have a one-on-one meeting with an editor from NY who looked over the first five pages of my manuscript. After my nerves recovered, I was grateful for his feedback.
2- Meet an agent face to face. I told her about my book and she said it sounded "cute" and "marketable." Considering the uber-competitive world of book publishing, I'll take it as a positive sign!
3- Sift through old pictures of Lester's childhood at my in-laws. Some of them will make for great blackmail, but they're all adorable. :-)
4- See my wonderful parents who drove 300 miles from St. George just to spend Saturday evening and Sunday morning with me.
5- Meeting with other fellow LDS writers and authors. They are an awesome, creative bunch of people.
NOW, the top five things I missed.
5- The kids' last days of T-ball, swimming, and music class.
4- The Easter egg hunt at the Vial farm.
3- A fun day at the Children's Museum.
2- The finding of Tom Worm. The kids and Lester were weeding in the front yard. They found a worm they named Tom. Lester put the worm into the flowers. A few minutes later he noticed Brandon throwing dirt at the flowers. He asked Brandon what he was doing. "I'm feeding Tom Worm!"
1- And the number one thing I missed (but not really), was the beginning of potty training Brandon. The quote du jour on this one (uttered when Daddy requested Brandon use the potty): "But, Daddy, I don't have any pee-pee in my p****!"