Sunday, November 11, 2007

Am I Through With Diapers?

Tonight Brandon said, out of the blue, that he wanted to wear panties. I couldn't understand what he said, so he runs upstairs and comes down with some old Woody panties we'd inherited from someone and his pajamas!

I put them on and he has stayed dry so far. I have spent the better part of the past hour on the bathroom floor while Brandon sits perched on the Dora potty seat and gives me a lesson in anatomy. I tell him pee-pee comes out of the front and poo-poo comes about the back. Well, apparently I have it backwards. Poo-poo coumes out of the front and pee-pee comes out of the back.

Whatever end it comes out, after a long session in the bathroom...success! We have pee-pee in the potty! I don't know if this is the start of the real thing or just a phase, but hey, it's pretty cool!

On another subject, one of Brandon's favorite books features pictures of trucks, cars, boats, trains, and the like. In it there is a picture of a red Porsche that Brandon calls, "Mommy's car." It looks something like this:

Doesn't he have good taste?


Elizabeth Dimit said...

I believe the proper term for boys is underpants or underware. No son of mine will wear panties ;-)

Bridget said...

Phew, thanks for clarifying. That was going to be my first comment. "Boys DON'T wear panties." :)

Congrats! The diaper free world is a wonderful place to live. I have been enjoying it now for exactly one year. It's the best! Go Brandon!

Elizabeth Dimit said...

By the way, the "elizabeth" comment above was from my oh-so-manly hubby. I have been berated severely for my use of "panties". I stand humbly corrected.

mahina said...

i was a little thrown when you said, "panties" because i've always associated panties with girls and underwear for boys. i was picturing brandon running around in pink princess panties, which wouldn't be a far stretch considering one of the outfits he's worn to swimming before! ahem! i love lester's comment!

to be done with diapers would be amazing!! i have many more years of diapers to come!

Darilyn said...

You know Elizabeth, I never even noticed the "panties" in the blog. Didn't even phase me. That tells you that I don't have any boys "underpants" to fold in this house. Congratulations on the potty training. That is something I was never good at. I just prayed they would be out of diapers by kindergarten. (they were by the way)