Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Spoken Word, by Brandon

1- For Thanksgiving, he recommends "smashed" potatoes.
2- Eating huevos rancheros (egg mixture w/ tortillas): "I like the cover," (a.k.a., the tortilla).
3- Brandon wanted to get some "injury" today ("energy").

I know we're supposed to correct them, but I just love hearing them blister the English language! So cute!

New one, from Brandon in the backseat of the car, after being driven to a bunch of stores by Daddy.

"Daddy, I'm carsick."

"We're just going to one more store, and then we'll go home," says Daddy.

"I'm store-sick."

1 comment:

Grace said...

Elizabeth, your post is great! I too would feel "oh I need to correct what my kids would say" BUT, I didn't. For one thing I enjoyed the many words they would say and I knew that one day they wouldn't say them that way any more. For example...Becky would always say gargeebe for garbage, Robbie called Toys r Us ...Toys for Us( I liked that one) and dairy queen was Derek queen...just to name a few.