Thursday, January 3, 2008

Springtime Seeds Bring Wintertime Flowers

Most blossoms appear in spring. My flowers bloom in the dead of winter. That is because my fertility cycle seemed to be linked to the life-giving warmth of spring. Let me explain:

Spring 2000: I discovered I was pregnant , only to have a miscarriage a few weeks later. The baby would have been a December/January baby.

Spring 2001: I am pregnant once again, this time to give birth to Alexis on Jan. 13, 2002.

Spring 2004: Good grief. It's spring and I am once again pregnant, and have Brandon on Jan. 7, 2005.

I don't understand this springtime phenomenon. Maybe it's because my hubby is also a January birthday (today he's 39).

In fact, the branches of my family tree are ripe with January birthdays: my dad, a niece, a brother-in-law, two cousins, a first cousin once removed (he's the oldest son of one of the cousins with a January birthday).

Don't get me wrong. I'm so grateful for my wintertime blossoms. They are the joy of my existence.

I just wish they didn't bloom so close to Christmas. :-)
PS: The carnation is the January birth flower.


Bridget said...

What a nice post to share your thoughts on January birthdays! YOu do have a busy month.

Darilyn said...

I love January. Alexis and I must be kindred spirits. Our birthdays are very close.

Merilee said...

Good luck gettin' through this bloomin' month!

mahina said...

maybe you only ovulated once a year! haha! makes for getting all the gift giving done in one fell swoop! well, i guesss it would be two, but very close together!